I agree with Moffet when he says "There are several corollaries of the program I am proposing. Since it attempts to exercise the student in all possible relations that might obtain between him an the audience or at one range of the abstractive spectrum. It is essential that he address someone besides the English teacher and get some kind of feedback other than red marks" (pag 26) I think as a teacher we should give to students a feedback about of their writing instead of grading them. In my opinion, is very important to let students to express themselves and encourage them to write. Teachers should be or act as a moderator instead of an authority figure. For example, in my country (Peru). Students are pressure to get a good grades. Teachers do not allowed the students to express themselves. In comparision, The American educational system at least allow the students to express themselves. Some teachers give students a feedback about their writing and encourage them to write.
This goes back to the varying philosophies regarding the purpose of education: is it to help students construct knowledge? or is it to impose our view of the world upon them? or is it some combination of the two or something entirely different?
ReplyDeleteFor example, I certainly believe (this is my opinion) that every US citizen and resident should know, understand, and ascribe to the Constitution & Bill of Rights. Although I'll certainly respect someone's right to voice an alternate opinion, I'll always believe that our children should be taught their freedoms or basic rights. So how do we create communities of learning where varying voices are encouraged while basic tenets are foundations of a common experience?