Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sommer's Article

In the article "Revison Strategies of Student Writers and Experienced Adult Writers," Sommers points out " Students need to seek dissonance of discovery, utilizing in their writing, as the experienced writers do, the very difference between writing and speech-the possibility of revision." (pag 386) I agree with Sommers. When I lived in California I took a composition class where we spent a lot time revising our essays. By revising we had the opportunity to change the content of our writing if it was not well focused. Because during the prewriting we were more concerned with finding ideas and writing them down. We have to spend time revising our essays. We always came up with questions as: Is my essay well focused and develop? By revising, we had the opportunity to decided whether our writing was sufficiently focused and developed. Moreover, we had a classmate who read aloud to us, so when we found weak parts in our writing, it was the time to rewrite. I believe that revising our writing is very important in order to have a more clear vision of what we wanted to say.


  1. I agree it is important also. I want to thank you for suggesting we meet again in groups tomorrow for revision. I would not have thought to do this.
